Introducing ARC: a new program from CHF BC
The Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC) created the Active Resilient Communities program (ARC) to help co-ops face current and future challenges.
We’ll be piloting the program over the next year, and look forward to a broader launch when the development phase is complete.
In the meantime, CHF BC members can test out new ways to explore engagement and collaboration.
Active ARC Client? Connect here!
- First Avenue Athletes Village
- Pioneer
- Community Alternatives
- Sam Greer Place
- Kaslo Gardens
CHF BC’s Mission
CHF BC unites, represents and serves housing co-ops and their members. We know that governing and managing co-op homes and communities can be challenging. Whatever our members need, they can count on us to be there for them. ARC is our latest addition.
Thanks to the Community Housing Transformation Centre for partnering and providing grant money to help develop and deliver the ARC program.