athletes village

Athletes Village, Check out your Final Report!

2022-10-19T21:21:12+00:00July 8th, 2022|athletes village|

Your final report for the ARC project has been published and you can find it under the "Important Documents" Section of this website. You'll find us at your co-op BBQ next weekend to talk about the project, the results and any feedback you have. We hope to see you there! Thanks again for being part of the ARC pilot with us.

Athletes Village, Your final ARC session is coming up!

2022-10-19T21:22:26+00:00May 5th, 2022|athletes village|

Don't miss your last chance to participate in the ARC Pilot! Next Wednesday May 11, we'll brainstorm a concrete action plan together, which will enable you to achieve your vision of being a caring, respectful and inclusive community that grows together. We hope you can make it so you can share your thoughts and work together to make your co-op an incredible place to live. See you soon! Co-operatively, The ARC Team

ARC Video for Athletes Village + We need your feedback!

2022-10-19T21:25:30+00:00April 14th, 2022|athletes village|

Want to get caught up on what's going on with ARC? We are planning a new ARC activity for your co-op for next week, so stay tuned for another colorful display in your lobby. In the meantime, you can watch this short video we created to help you learn more about the project: If you missed the last session on sustainability, please be sure to check out the report (uploaded in your important documents): "What We Heard - Sustainability Session". Finally, if you want to vote on when the final ARC Session, "Action & Implementation Planning" will be, please complete this short survey:

Community Building Session Summary + Upcoming Sustainability Session!

2022-10-19T21:26:04+00:00March 17th, 2022|athletes village|

On March 3, 2022 we had a fruitful conversation with Michelle from the Hey Neighbour Collective and Cheryl from Building Resilient Neighborhoods about re-building community connection after the pandemic. We discussed why community participation is important, and the different kinds of activities members can partake in depending on comfort levels and their desire to engage. The presentation summary can be found here. We have also included some notes and your comments in the "What We Heard - Community Building" report. If you missed the session, you still have a chance to share some activities and events you'd want to partake in at your co-op. You can add them using the "ideas" tool on this page, or you can check out the display in your lobby for a physical version of the brainstorming activity. Finally, don't forget that our next session is coming up on March 30 with SPEC, on Environmental Sustainability. We've included the poster here, but you can also find the meeting information in the "Key Dates" section of this page.

Athletes Village, What We Heard + Upcoming Session!

2022-10-19T21:28:07+00:00February 18th, 2022|athletes village|

At the last ARC session "Vision & Challenges" on February 3 2022, your co-op had a chance to share feedback on your current Vision and Values. You then discussed what's getting in the way, and opportunities for moving forward. Check out the "What we Heard" document for a summary of the discussion. Do you have more feedback to share? Did we miss anything? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. Also, a reminder that our next session "Focused Conversations: Community Building" is scheduled for March 3, 2022 at 6:30 pm. Please see Zoom Meeting details in the "Key Dates" section of this page.

Athletes Village, Welcome to ARC!

2022-10-19T21:28:48+00:00November 10th, 2021|athletes village|

Thank you for agreeing to become a pilot co-op for the Active Resilient Communities (ARC) Program. We are excited to start the ARC journey with Athletes Village! ARC has been under development since June 2021, and we are ready to see how it works for co-ops. The plan is for ARC to serve as a comprehensive program to help co-ops through decision making and planning processes by providing facilitated support and access to topic-matter experts (for more about ARC, see About ARC). Being a pilot co-op means you (and other members of your community) will be among the first people to experience the ARC Program, including both our live workshops, and platforms for you to engage with on your own time (this website and a phone line). We will be asking you along the way to fill out surveys to provide valuable feedback about the program (and process), so that we can make improvements to the next offering of the program. Again, thank you for joining us and we look forward to meeting and working with you! ~ The ARC Project Team

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