Introducing ARC (Active Resilient Communities)
ARC is designed to support co-op communities think about their futures — to take time to discuss more than day-to-day challenges. We do this by encouraging members to think about the kind of community that they really want, and then talk about how to achieve that. We bring in topic-matter experts, so that co-ops can make action plans that are grounded in reality.
ARC uses a variety of methods. Those include workshops, drop-in sessions and online activities so there are different ways to interact. We also offer a website and a phone line to provide information and accept input from members. This means that members can be part of the process and have their voices heard, even if they cannot attend traditional meetings.
ARC has several modules including everything from visioning to implementation, and an optional annual refresher so that co-ops can reaffirm or re-calibrate what came out of the ARC sessions. Program delivery will be customized to fit each co-op community’s needs.
This comprehensive program is designed to be flexible for everyone. People with time constraints, limited childcare arrangements, shifting or remote work schedules, or health issues limiting access to communal spaces. All can benefit from virtual sessions and other activities that can be completed at their leisure.
Open For Discussion
Past and Future Developments
CHF Canada’s 2020 Vision program was an initiative to help strengthen Canada’s housing co-ops and ensure their viability after government programs were set to end. It included 2020 Vision, a service to help housing co-ops develop a mission statement, set forth a vision, and work to develop their values. After the 2020 Vision program wound down, CHF BC offered the Co-op Compass, an expanded version of the original service, and Community Land Trust worked with its partner co-ops with a World Cafe model to explore the future. ARC combined these various approaches to better help individual co-ops develop a shared vision, with support, and identify ways to achieve their goals. After serving a number of clients, CHF BC decided to sunset the program (late 2024, early 2025) and is looking at developing new resources to address co-op needs.
Start of ARC
The development and piloting of the ARC program would not have been possible without the Sector Transformation Grant, awarded to CHF BC from the Community Housing Transformation Centre. CHF BC is grateful for the Centre’s support.